Lagomarcino Hall Southwest Wing Remodel

Lagomarcino Hall

Project Description  

For this project, Iowa State University (ISU) needed assistance in remodeling and relocating a space for student advising, course information, and administration for the Department of Psychology.

Scope of Work  

The scope included renovation of the existing mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and telecommunication systems to meet the needs of the relocated users in the Department of Psychology.

Challenge Faced 

The project required coordination required detailed coordination with multiple groups that had varying needs and desires for the space while balancing it against the available budget. The historic nature of the building required careful coordination with Avec Design+Build to maintain user comfort and aesthetics.

Project Outcome 

Success. The users have occupied the space, and the project is in its final stage of completing.

Project Owner: Iowa State University

Location: Iowa State University Campus – Ames, IA